Peaceful And Calm Parrot Breeds That Will Surprise You

Peaceful And Calm Parrot Breeds That Will Surprise You

When thinking about getting a pet bird, many people wonder how loud or noisy the bird is going to be in a household and end up not getting a bird. As we know that parrots are known for being very loud. Whether they are screaming, chattering, whistling or mimicking, throughout the day this can get very exhausting for most. 

Which is why sometimes it is better to have a quieter bird, if you want to experience the joy of having a parrot without the constant noise. There are several peaceful and calm parrot breeds that will surprise you and can be relaxing to have as a great companionship.

This guide will talk about the breeds that make excellent companions. 

1. Bourke’s Parrot

Size & WeightAbout 18 cm to 23 cm in length & between 41g to 49g in weight
ColorGray-brown on the top and pinkish below
Dietseed sprouts, other vegetation, and even insects.
Mating SeasonAugust and December.
Lifespan10-15 years 
VocalizationSoft melodic chirps 

Bourke Parakeets are quite calm and will sit quietly on their owner. They have a relatively quiet voice, at least compared to other parrot types, and can be most frequently seen doing things early in the morning and late in the day.

These parrots need a large cage with lots of toys to keep them busy. They like to fly, and having an indoor space for flight is also good!

All we hear from Bourke’s parrots is a gentle beautiful call that never seems to get annoying. They are naturally quiet so they do not yell all the time screaming like some amazon parrots.

2. Pionus Parrot

Size & WeightAbout 9 to 12 inches length and between 200g to 275g in weight
ColorOlive green with blue and a red undertail
DietFresh fruits and vegetables
Mating SeasonFrom February to July.
Lifespan25-40 years
VocalizationMimicking and Squaking

Pionus parrots are also less loud and social. They are lower maintenance than other parrot species and they can also be quite lovely. However, keeping a healthy diet of fresh fruits and veggies is right for them along with mental stimulation from toys and interaction. 

Pionus parrots are not habitual screamers. They have soft calls so are good for homes that require a quieter pet. They are also quite intelligent and can mimic a human.

3. Senegal Parrot

Size & Weight9 to 10 inches long and weigh about 120 to 170 grams
Colormostly green with a gray head and a yellow lower breast and abdomen
Dietseeds, grains, fruits, leaf buds, and blossoms
Mating SeasonFrom September to November.
Lifespanapproximately 25–30 years
VocalizationWhistle, chatters and mimicking 

The playfulness and curiosity of Senegal parrots have brought them an icon as very loving birds who create strong bonds with their owners. They are smart and they love to perform tricks for you and of course, are good at interacting with us. They will need a selection of toys and time out of the cage each day for exercise. 

They can be quite chatty but their vocalizations don’t tend to get loud as they are not notorious screamers. They can whistle which isn’t that annoying to the ear.

4. Parrotlet

Size & WeightAbout 11 cm to 14 cm long and weigh about 30 grams
ColorUsually green and can have various shades of green
DietLow fat seeds, pellets and fresh veggies
Mating SeasonJanuary and March can also breed twice a year
Lifespan15-20 years
VocalizationChattering, chirps and tweeting noise

These adorable little guys are Parrotlets! One of the most playful, curious and downright daring birds you can keep! Seeds, fruits and vegetables are necessary components of a well-rounded diet, with plenty of toys and climbing room to keep them busy.

Parrotlets have much funnier voices as compared to the bigger parrots. Although they are capable of chattering, their small size restricts the level of their vocal communication.

5. Cockatiel

Size & WeightAbout 27 cm to 33 cm in length and between 70g to 110g
ColorNormal gray, White-faced, Pied, Cinnamon, Albino, Pied and Lutino
DietPellets, seeds and fresh veggies
Mating SeasonAugust to December
LifespanApproximately 10-15 years
VocalizationWhistle and tweets alongside chatters, they can also sing.

Cockatiel Parrots are friendly, engaging and social birds. They have very lighthearted, whistling songs and can easily mimic basic verbal sounds, often to the surprise and amusement of their human companions. They require a well balanced diet like pellets, seeds and fresh veggies ensuring their nutrients towards health. A little companionship is important for their well-being as they are sociable and like having their people around. 

Cockatiels are vocal, though they tend to be quieter than many other companion parrots. They are not noisy pets and their sweet chirps, whistles are more often enjoyed rather than a disturbance. Moreover, these birds can perform the most lovable actions including head bobbing and crest raising which only adds to their adorableness.

6. Lovebird

Size & Weight13 cm to 17 cm in length and weigh between 40g and 60g 
ColorGreen, yellow, peach, orange, teal, white and black 
DietFresh food like seeds, fruits, vegetables and grain.
Mating SeasonJanuary to April and June to July.
Lifespan10-20 years
VocalizationSinging, chirping, whistling and chattering

Lovebirds are, since their name suggests, loving birds that have an excellent chance to bond with other lovebirds and their owners. They are very social creatures that if kept alone have literally been known to die of loneliness, they can become quite affectionate – cuddling up with their human caregivers, playing on them, even riding around in pockets. A well balanced diet of seeds, fruits and veggies alongside a lot of toys that offer various activities and keep them occupied to stimulate mental and physical well-being. Socialization should also be done regularly to keep them from getting bored and for their own health.

They are very intelligent and one can train them to do so many tricks. They are very fun to watch as they are playful and full of energy, and love climbing, exploring, playing with their toys. They’re not too loud, though lovebirds are vocal. They emit a kind of sweet chirp that is generally easier on the ears than the squawks emitted by some larger parrots. 

7. Canary-Winged Parakeet

Size & WeightAbout 22 cm long and weigh around 80 grams 
Colorbright green color with yellow and wing markings
Diethigh-quality pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables
Mating Seasonfrom January to July
Lifespan15-20 years
VocalizationChirps and whistles

Canary-winged parakeets are relatively sociable and active birds, adored for their playful antics. They require a healthy, balanced diet composed of good-quality seeds, pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables.  Canary-winged parakeets require frequent interactions with their owners to alleviate loneliness as they tend to form strong bonds. This provides you with an opportunity to bond, as they love taking on new tricks and games.

Canary-winged parakeets are comparatively quieter in nature which attracts many people towards them. Most of their vocalizations are quiet and appealing, usually sweet mellow chirps or melodic sounds that are soothing to hear.

A quiet and docile breed will offer pleasure and companionship minus that overpowering sound. For having a long-lasting, healthy relation with your adopted feathery friend, you must know these breeds specific requirements and features; Whether you choose a Bourke’s Parrot, Pionus, Lovebirds or another quieter breed of parrot-choosing one of these gentle birds can make for a peaceful and rewarding pet experience.

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